Our Focus

DHC has chosen to focus on areas identified in the 2005 Epidemiology Report.
The Epidemiological Report, a report on the health concerns of Northwest Indiana and an assessment of community health in Lake, LaPorte and Porter Counties, is a systematic, data-driven approach to determining the health status, behaviors and needs of residents in the region. The assessment provided the information needed to consider when developing effective interventions so that DHC could identify issues of greatest concern and decide to commit resources to those areas, thereby making the greatest possible impact on our community health status.
Learn more about our areas of concern:

Environmental Quality

EnvironmentAir Quality Index
LaPorte County has a significantly greater number of good air quality days compared to Porter and Lake County.
Perceptions of Air Quality
Northwest Indiana residents are less likely to give their community favorable ratings for air quality compared to national benchmarks.
Secondary Smoke
Northwest Indiana adults and children are more often exposed to secondary smoke in the home compared to national findings.
Environmental Tobacco Smoke NW IN US HP2010 Significance vs. U.S. Significance vs. HP2010
% Children Exposed to Smoke at Home 28.9 18.3 10 WORSE Does NOT Meet Goal
% Someone Smokes at Home 25.6 18.8   WORSE  


P.O. Box 9327
Michigan City, IN 46361


telephone  219-874-4193
faxsimile  219-873-2416